
电子吊秤规格:60kg/20g ,150kg/50g ,300kg/100g,600kg/200g
电子吊秤精度(分度值 ):1/3000FS
超重报警:超过最大秤量的 0.15% 时,软件会自动报警
工作电源:交流 220V(-15%-10%)5OHz, 直流配用 6V4AH 可充电电池
功耗:工作状态数码管全屏显示〈 5W、节能状态 C/W 〉
使用环境:温度 YlO ℃ ~ 一 40 ℃ : 湿度 10%-80%RH
电子台秤秤盘尺寸:300x400mm,450 × 600mm,600 × 800mm
保证吊秤挂钩无重物,按住【开关】2秒后松开, 电源开启,显示器先显示本吊秤的软件版本号,然后显示最大称量, 再显示电池电压, 2秒后从“99999”开始倒序显示,到“00000”后显示“0”,即可正常称重。
皮重物品较高时,往往很难按【置零】键,可利用吊秤的“延时置零”功能, 在起吊皮重物品前按住【置零】直至听到“嘟”声后松开,最高位显示“A”,然后起吊皮重物品,按键30秒后吊秤自动将所吊物品置零。
按【查询】,显示器显示最近称量的一次重量,再按【查询】显示倒数第2次重量,依次类推,总共可显示 13次称重值,按【置零】结束查询。电源关闭后所存储的数据不会丢失。
如果上述的回答还不能解决你的问题,你可以咨询 苏州金钻 他们家有400电话的 4006642889
本人需要一台10吨电子吊钩秤,请问10吨电子吊钩秤价格是多少? - ...

电子吊秤的正确使用方法 英文翻译,各位大虾,感激涕零!!!!!!...
The correct use method of electronic Hanging Scale
(1) electronic Hanging Scale before use, should the corresponding batteries into the scale body and handheld device installation or replacement of the battery, to tighten the battery clamp locking screws, check the battery clamp is firmly fixed on the scale, and then hanging close doors locked, to prevent accidents. When the meter display undervoltage, should be replaced immediately and timely exchange of batteries, battery charging, to prevent cell damage. Battery is not a long time, should be at a certain time for a charging, the battery should be stored in dry and ventilated and appropriate temperature environment, and avoid contact with corrosive substances. Loading and unloading battery cable air outlet, do not use the hand to hold the clamping wire clamp cap, but should pay close attention to the base, the other side transmitter on the power connection aviation plug is also don't hold the line clamping cap, should seize the head rotatable cap for loading and unloading, prevent the power connection loosening, caused by fault. Transmitting device in the power supply is switched on before, must be antenna and feeder reliable connection, or to damage the emission device. (2) avoid electronic hanging scale by violent wrenching and collision electronic hanging scale internal many electronic components, such as integrated circuits, quartz crystal, sensor, display, when the electronic hanging scale by the intense collision, may damage caused by these components, electronic scale failures, affect the accuracy that affect the normal use, to avoid the scale body and other items collision or from high in the sky falls, instrument to light-light, do not arbitrarily placed, to avoid unnecessary losses, the instrument is fixed on the crane when used to take measures of vibration damping, so as not to affect the reliability of. (3) should not be removed but electronic hanging scale electronic hanging scale components in normal use, do not disassemble the electronic scale on the parts, do not open the sensor on the seal, remove instrument on the integrated circuit components, the necessary repair, must be in the relevant technical staff under the guidance of or have a certain repair knowledge in order to prevent the expansion of the fault.
梅特勒托利多的kingbird XK3130系列计重电子秤
打开仪表盖,S1-1 在 ON状态下可以标定
称重状态下,按F1键进入 F1 按 确认 显示F1.2 用模式选择,确认
F1.3 MAX 最大称量 按确认
F1.4 e 确认
F1.5 CAL X X=0 跳过 进入F1.6 X=1 进入标定
E SCL 秤台为零,确认 15 CAL 倒计时
ADD LD 加码,60%MAX 确认 000000 去皮 和 模式 输入砝码值,确认
15CAL 倒计时 完成 按确认 到F2 按清零键,跳到 SAVE,确认保存。